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[Tutorial] Make Logo Using Photoshop

This tutorial will explain you the easiest way how to make glossy web 2.0 stylish logo for a blog. Simple web image designing technique using Photoshop. I use Photoshop CS2 on this example. As we know that now a days web 2.0 stylish design can be found a lot on the net. So now we'll try to remake our blog to be web 2.0 using cool glossy logo for your blog name. The final result should be like this.
2.0 logo how to tutorial 1.Open up new Photoshop document. You can easily do this by hitting Ctrl+N on your keyboard. Set it up like this one below. Just a note, I use 400x400px document just to make us easier in working with this Photoshop.
new photoshop document 2. Using text tool, now type your blog name. A word for your blog logo. Set your text font as illustrated below. I use Calibri 48px Bold as my text font. To make it more web 2.0 stylish, you have to use some simple fonts. Suggestion; Calibri, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, and Segoe UI are working fine.
type your blog name 3. We have to rasterize our text layer. We can do this by clicking Layer menu than Rasterize Type.
rasterizing layer 4. Before we move up around, we need to set Foreground and Background color at first. Now set it to #ffb60e for Foreground and #ffce00 for background color. We need to do this step for our text gradient at next.
Setting Foreground and Background color 5. Now we'll give some effects to our text layer. Bring Blending option dialogue up by right clicking on the text layer and choose Blending option. Or we can do this by clicking Layer menu, than Layer Style, now choose Blending option. Check drop shadow option and set its attributes like below illustration.
drop shadow set 6. We'll also give it outer glow effect. Just set it like illustration below.
outer glow effect 7. Now it is time to add one of glossy element. Give our text layer gradient effect by checking Gradient overlay tab. Don't forget to use Foreground to Background overlay. See illustration below.
Gradient overlay 8. Last effect to add should be Stroke effect. Set stroke size to 5px and set its color to #e58100. Now just press OK button to confirm it.
stroke text effect 9. From this step your blog logo should be a bit like this one. It is web 2.0 enough but we'll redesign it to be more stylish. Yes, by giving it a glossy effect.
middle result 10. We can make such glossy effect in very simple easy way. Now create a new layer by hitting Ctrl+Shift+N on your keyboard press than OK or just Enter. Now make creative selection using Lasso tool. Use your bright creative brain, just an improvization like this one. I'm not so good on this step, so use your own.
 effect 11. Oke you are good. Next step is more simple step. Fill this selection with white (#ffffff) color. Do this by clicking Edit menu than Fill. Or simply hit Shift+F5 buttons. After you do this right now set this layer opacity to 35%.
layer opacity 12. Wow.. our logo now is a web 2.0 logo. And of course we can use it for our blog. If you did it right your logo should be like my logo below. I know you are good in making this logo design. We're done!!
web 2.0 logo result Conclusion
From many steps above we know that making a web 2.0 logo for a blog is not so hard to do. You can improve your creativity in using style, colors, and blending option settings. I know you can do better than me. So if you feel this tutorial is good and you've made a logo from this tutorial, feel free to post it here. Just comment this tutorial. Below is my other final result from this tutorial, just added some glass shadow.
 logo web 2.0

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